Wednesday, February 29, 2012

You Don’t Mess With Israel! By Donna Wasson

Geesh! Some so-called Christians these days get on my last nerve. I made the mistake of reading the excellent article, So Jesus Lived in Occupied Territory, by Jan Markell, on the Rapture Ready website and got so disgusted I wanted to stick a pencil in somebody! Up until that point, I was blissfully unaware that an international conference called, Christ at the Checkpoint even existed. Blech!

Apparently this symposium, held in Bethlehem of all places, features some of the ‘intellectually elite Christian thinkers of our time.’ This yearly conference started in 2010 and its overall theme is, (hold your nose!) “Hope in the Midst of Conflict.”

Their aim is to, “provide an opportunity for Evangelical Christians to prayerfully seek proper awareness of issues of peace, justice and reconciliation in the context of the realities on the ground in the Palestinian territories.” What a load…

Hmmm, let me think about this for a minute…bad ‘ol Israel is living on ‘Palestinian’ land and is being ugly to them because they won’t pack up their belongings and move. If I remember correctly, no one was living on that barren, weed infested, scorpion sanctuary before Israel returned and miraculously became a country, as the Bible promised, in one day. After they moved in, all of a sudden, the WHOLE Middle East loses its collective mind and just HAS to have that tiny little plot of territory!

Now, be sure you don’t look at a world map to see the THOUSANDS of miles of open land these ‘Palestinians’ could settle on. Don’t pay attention to the fact that they are Arabs whose kinsmen refuse to provide them a place to live, say in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, etc...No sirree! They have to live there, on that one small stretch of land those cursed Jews have ‘stolen.’

By the way, there are no such people as “Palestinians.” Never has been. You ever heard anyone speak ‘Palestinian?’ Of course not, because they are Arabs! Look it up.
Click here to read the complete article by Donna Wasson

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