Monday, March 23, 2009

Myth: God helps those who help themselves?

This is not in the Bible. There are no scriptures to prove this one way or the other.
The answer: Unknown - A close freind said. “God helps those that can’t help themselves and are committed to being obedient to his leading.” I can buy that.


Oma Jill said...

That is a good question. It got me to thinking of the Sermon on the Mount. In chapter 6 verse 25-32 of Matthew Jesus talked about being anxious about the "necessities" of life, clothing and food and how God provides for the birds and vegetation and would He not rather clothe and feed you, you of little faith? Jesus then ends in verse 33 to seek FIRST the kingdom and all these other things will be added to you. Since God can not lie and he gives us this assurance that if we do our part FIRST then he will do his part. The 3 key points here are 1. you must work! The birds still had to collect their food God did not drop them into their mouth. 2. Knowing the difference between needs and wants. Keeping your eye simple. 3. Seeking first the kingdom.
Finally the scriptures state God is love. Would a loving God instruct us on how we are to live, explain the benefits, guarantee us he'd help knowing full well we can not do it or if we did he wouldn't fulfill his promise? I believe by my examination of the scriptures that God does indeed help those who actively help themselves being obedient to his commands.

Watchman said...

Thanks oma jill for your comments. Makes sense to me. The Elder,

Brian Westley said...

It's from the 1757 edition of Ben Franklin's publication "Poor Richard's Almanack"

Watchman said...

Thanks Brian, that goes a long way back!